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Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia.

You get speed, flexibility and better control to produce vehicles faster with greater precision.

NEX is a pioneer in design-build specializing in architecture and construction services.

NEX has a brilliant record in responding to complex customer requirements.

Our projects include a significant proportion of the world’s largest bridges.


At NEX, we embrace this future development and have set out our mission to lead transformation through mobility.

Dream Big
Inspire the World

A Company involved in servicing, maintenance and repairs of engines, prime movers and exhaust gas turbochargers.

◎    Assured plant availability and operational security
◎    Relief of company's own maintenance resources
◎    Improved operating conditions
◎    Transparent costs

Let's Grow

Join our award-winning team, and enjoy a creative, dynamic and inclusive culture focused on one goal.



Providing a wide range of services related to the factory production lines.


We are proud to protect your organization with our award-winning products.


For all of our products we offer fast delivery and outstanding service in the US.


Sustainability Goals

We are focused on building a long-term, sustainable business.


"They have great service, quality products and we trust them. We value a local relationship and the impact it has on our community."

Jason K. Manson

“It is a company we can count on. They are responsive, they bring new ideas and they care about the success of our organization. I’d recommend them to any athletic department.”

Mr. Attkins Pleboa

“We have a world-class supply chain that demands immediate response.Industriel came to us with creative, cost saving solutions related to inventory management. Last year we identified a 3% savings across one category.”

Marcos E. Valtea

"Great job...thank you for getting this to us in an extremely short amount of time.hey also showed me ways to reduce costs in supply chain efficiencies. Industriel are always responsive and I know I can count on them to deliver.”

Sander O. Mitchel

"Dealing with Industriel on a day-to-day basis has proved to be very easy. We make a telephone call, look at the options available, and then let them get on with the job while we concentrate on our business.

Robert D. Frost


Industry news from around the world, selected by us.

A empresa Distribuidora de Medicamentos SantaCruz Ltda vem, por meio deste, comunicar que por determinação do fornecedor MEGALABS, efetuará o recolhimento do produto e lote informados.
Amplamente reconhecida e consumida, novas versões de aplicação e uso chegam a um mercado aquecido e crescente
Muito divulgado em campanhas de prevenção de doenças transmitidas por mosquitos, conquista seu lugar e importância nas ações diárias de autocuidado
Presente na vida diária da imensa maioria de consumidores, as novas versões de um produto que se reinventa
Produtos eficazes trabalhando para a prevenção e bem-estar durante as celebrações que invadem as ruas, eventos que reúnem multidões, em festa!
Um início de ano festivo que encontra, na farmácia, um ponto de apoio e cuidado, com consumidores em festa e um PDV pronto!
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